The Wolper Jewish Hospital Health Foundation was established in 2014 with the aim of funding health and wellbeing initiatives that will deliver clear benefits to the Jewish and general community.
The Foundation will consider applications from organisations for initiatives, programs, projects, services, equipment, capital purchases or any assistance that will create positive health and wellbeing outcomes for the benefit of the community.

Wolper Jewish Hospital Foundation Board

Mr Richard Glass
Chair of Foundation Trustee Board, Immediate Past President
Advisor and Company Director
B.A (Hons), MBA, MAICD
• Chair – Remuneration Committee
An experienced business executive, Richard has over the last 30 years held COO/CEO roles within ASX Top 50 companies and unlisted public companies. He now advises clients on strategy and mentors CEOs, helping them to develop their businesses. He also sits on the Advisory Boards of a number of unlisted public companies.
Richard has been a Board member of Wolper Jewish Hospital for 21 years and has served as Hospital Honorary Secretary, Vice President and President.
He joined the Board in order to contribute to the community whilst gaining an understanding of the not-for-profit sector. Wolper particularly interested him due to its excellent reputation and uniqueness as a Jewish hospital in Australia. He also felt an affinity for the medical field as his father was a physician who served on the medical boards of a number of hospitals.

Dr Lesley Andrews
Hospital Director, Director of Foundation Trustee Board
Cancer Genetics Clinician
MB.BS., M.Med.
• Appointed to the Wolper Board November 2017
• Member – Community Genetics Advisory Committee
• Member – Community Partnership Committee
Lesley was a general practitioner for 12 years before completing her Masters degree in genetics. She joined the first Hereditary Cancer Clinic in Australia at Prince of Wales Hospital in 1997, and is now the Head of that department. Lesley also provides care for families at risk of inherited cancer at St George and Wollongong Hospitals. Most recently, she has established JeneScreen, a project to enable all members of our community to undergo online testing for BRCA genes.
Lesley’s communal involvement began with the Moriah pre-school P&F, of which she was President in 1991 and was Treasurer of her group in the National Council of Jewish Women of Australia (NSW). As a director, Lesley plans to work to ensure the Hospital’s excellent reputation continues. Additionally, she welcomes the opportunity to support the expansion of Wolper’s genetics program.

Laura Dunkel
Hospital Honorary Treasurer & Director, Director of Foundation Trustee Board
• Accountant & Finance Professional
Laura has over 20 years of experience as a chartered accountant, working in both professional practice with Deloitte (Australian and the United States) and commercial enterprises (Velocity Frequent Flyer and Aveo). Laura specialises in financial planning and analysis.
Laura joined the Wolper Jewish Hospital Board in 2022 as she wanted to use her professional experience to contribute to the community and the ongoing success of the Hospital.

Greg Einfeld
Director of Foundation Trustee Board
• Appointed to the Wolper Health Foundation Board December 2023
Greg Einfeld is the Founder and Managing Director of Lime Actuarial and Price Wizard, and has 30 years’ experience in the Wealth Management industry. Previously he worked in Executive roles within MLC, Lend Lease & NAB. Greg has BEc, MEc, and MBA degrees, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia. He is currently the Chair of the Hakoah Club Finance & Risk Committee and Membership Committee, and has been actively involved with Maccabi and the JCA.
Greg joined the Foundation Board to make a contribution to community health and to continue his family’s strong connection with Wolper.

Daniel Goldberg
Hospital President and Director of Foundation Trustee Board
Daniel is a partner at Addisons where he practises in corporate finance and financial services law. He advises public and private companies and funds on mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, financing and a broad range of other transactions.
He is also a member of Council of Glaucoma Australia, Inc and has served as Honorary Secretary of Glaucoma Australia, Inc. since 2016.
Daniel has been a Board member of Wolper Jewish Hospital since 2009. With a wife and father in the medical profession, Daniel has long had an interest in healthcare and was keen to use his professional and business experience to assist in the ongoing success of Wolper Jewish Hospital.

Dr Susan Hertzberg
Director of Foundation Trustee Board
Emergency Physician
MB.BS MHLaw. MBioethics. FACEM
Susan is a Senior Staff Specialist in the Emergency Department of Prince of Wales Hospital and Senior Medical Advisor to the Avant Mutual Group.
She joined the Wolper Jewish Hospital Health Foundation Board in 2014 to participate in the allocation of funding for projects that improve the quality of the lives of members of the Jewish and the wider community.
Susan also sits on the board of Montefiore Home, has previously been a Board Member of the Great Synagogue and has been a JCA host for over 30 years.

Ms Josephine Holland
Hospital Vice-President & Director, Director of Foundation Trustee Board
• Chair – Community Partnership Committee
• Chair – Governance & Nominations Committee
• Member – Marketing & Branding Committee
Josephine was a solicitor for over 8 years in private practice at a Sydney top tier firm, working primarily in the health sector acting for clients in both the regulatory and corporate environment.
Josephine was a director of the National Council of Jewish of Women Australia (NSW) for over 12 years and both director and Chair of MUM FOR MUM NCJWA for seven. She has also advised a number of other smaller communal organisations as they took the early steps of establishing their legal and governance framework. Josephine is currently a volunteer with the Friendship Bakery.
Josephine has been a Board member of Wolper Jewish Hospital since 2009 as a nominee of the National Council of Jewish Women of Australia (NSW).

Dr Vivienne Milch
Director of Foundation Trustee Board
Medical Director, Cancer Australia
Vivienne is Medical Director of Cancer Australia, where she provides clinical policy oversight to Cancer Australia’s initiatives, contributing to efforts to minimise the impact of cancer, address disparities, and improve the health outcomes of people affected by cancer in Australia. Vivienne is also the Medical Advisor to the Commonwealth Department of Health on cancer screening policy.
As a recipient of the Wolper Hospital’s excellent care both as a family member as well as a patient, Vivienne is passionate about the role of the Wolper as an institution of excellence, providing its patients with excellent patient-centred care and a greater understanding of the Jewish community. She joined the Wolper Jewish Hospital Health Foundation Board in 2020 to be involved in the consideration and determination of funding for initiatives that will contribute to the positive health and wellbeing of the Jewish and broader community.

Mr Nathan Schlesinger
Director of Foundation Trustee Board
National Health Consulting Leader, PwC Australia
• Masters of Business Administration (MBA) at the Australian Graduate School of Management
• Bachelor of Science/Psychology BSc/ BPsych (Hons.) at the University of New South Wales
Nathan is the National Health Consulting Leader for PwC Australia and provides advisory services across the continuum of the health and wellbeing industry.
With over 20 years of consulting experience, Nathan has worked across sectors including State and Federal public health, private health insurance and providers, pharma, and aged care and disability services. He has authored many thought leadership viewpoints on health within Australia and for the PwC global Health Research Institute.
Nathan has a passion for system redesign, capacity building and making our health system more patient centred, all of which he hopes to further advance through his role on the Wolper Jewish Hospital Health Foundation Board.
For over 60 years Wolper Jewish Hospital has provided excellent health facilities to both the Sydney Jewish and general communities.
Since its creation, the mission of the Hospital has been expanded to include involvement in many important health-oriented community projects.
In 2014, the Hospital Board formalised the expansion of its community program assistance by launching the Wolper Jewish Hospital Health Foundation thereby making a commitment to this area in perpetuity.