The National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards are developed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality and Health Care to drive the implementation of safety and quality systems and improve the quality of health care in Australia. The NSQHS Standards provide a nationally consistent statement about the level of care consumers can expect from health service organisations.
Wolper Jewish Hospital is accredited against all NSQHS Standards.
Short notice assessments came into effect in July 2023. Under this assessment regime hospitals and other healthcare organisations receive just 24-hours notice before assessors come onsite to conduct their review.
Accreditation to the Standards is required to enable Wolper to enter into contracts with health funds and for government compliance and licensing purposes.
Assessment outcomes reflect day-to-day practice and encourage excellent safety, quality systems and processes.
In November 2023, Wolper successfully underwent its first short notice assessment against the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards.
The assessors commented on how welcome they were made to feel and found that the Hospital was well prepared for the process. During the review, some recommendations were received. With these actioned, three years accreditation has been granted.
Our next audit is due in late 2026.
Quality Management
To ensure the quality of our services, the Board of Directors, management and staff are committed to maintaining compliance with regulatory and statutory requirements. There is a comprehensive Hospital quality management system in place with a focus on continuous quality improvement.
To ensure compliance with best practice standards, Wolper is a member of the Private Hospitals Benchmarking Group (PHBG). The PHBG meets four times per year and is a forum to share quality and safety outcomes and ideas with other hospitals. Clinical and workplace health and safety audits are completed for benchmarking purposes. Wolper continues to perform well in these surveys and audits. Through the PHBG, the Hospital also gathers patient satisfaction, staff satisfaction and doctor feedback surveys. Patient feedback, for example, continues to be overwhelmingly positive.
Quality Policy
Wolper Jewish Hospital, the only not-for-profit Jewish hospital in Australia, aims to provide excellence in medical and palliative care as well as rehabilitation services to all members of the community within the framework of Jewish cultural, religious and dietary requirements.
The Wolper Jewish Hospital Health Foundation aims to improve the general health and wellbeing of the community by supporting other organisations offering relevant and appropriate programs and initiatives.
To ensure the quality of our services, the Board of Directors, management and staff are committed to maintaining relevant industry accreditation and compliance with regulatory and statutory requirements. There is a comprehensive Hospital quality management system in place with a focus on continuous quality improvement.
Our quality management system and quality objectives are reviewed regularly through a formal management review process to assess their outcomes and ensure continuing suitability.
Infection Prevention and Control
All hospitals have infection control procedures and policies, and staff take every precaution to avoid infections. However, the risk of infection can never be completely eliminated and some people have a higher risk of acquiring an infection than others. The following information is provided so you can assist us in reducing the risk of infection.
Hand Hygiene
Hand hygiene is the single most important factor in reducing the risk of cross infection. It is very easy to unknowingly transmit germs from our hands to others and to the hospital environment.
To assist patients and visitors, we have provided hand rub in wall-mounted brackets throughout the Hospital, all lift entries and in each room. This product is not harmful to the skin. We request that, on entering and leaving the patient room, you apply the solution to your hands. To use the hand rub, apply the solution to the palm of one hand, then rub the hands together covering all surfaces of the hand and, in particular, fingertips and finger nails. It should take about 30 seconds for the solution to dry on your hands. This indicates that you have used sufficient hand rub to achieve hand hygiene.
Visitors who are feeling unwell
In order to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all our patients and visitors, we respectfully request that visitors who are unwell refrain from visiting the Hospital.
Certain types of gastroenteritis are frequently introduced into a hospital environment from the outside community. The symptoms of this illness include nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. If you, or any members of your family, are currently suffering from any of the aforementioned symptoms, we request that you do not visit the Hospital until you have been free of these symptoms for at least 48 hours.