Visiting Hours

Visiting hours

Monday – Saturday*
All patients – 11.30am – 1:00pm and 3pm – 8pm

Ground Floor – 11.30am – 8pm
First Floor – 11.30am – 1:00pm and 3pm – 8pm

*Palliative care – visiting hours for our palliative care patients start from 10am, but can be flexible depending on the needs of the patient and family

Please call reception on 9328-6077 to find out which floor the person you are visiting is on

Visitor Entry Requirements

All visitors, including children, must be well and free of illness if visiting the Hospital.

Visitors are no longer required to wear a face mask within the Hospital.

Face masks might be required if the patient you are visiting is being cared for using enhanced transmission-based precautions – if needed, nursing staff will advise you when you arrive.

You will NOT be able to visit a patient in our Hospital if you:

  • currently have COVID-19 or other respiratory illness (e.g. cold or flu)
  • are waiting for COVID-19/respiratory test results
  • have tested positive to COVID-19 or other respiratory illness within the last 7 days
  • are a high-risk contact of someone who has COVID-19 in the previous 7 days

When you feel better, we recommend that you have a negative RAT (rapid antigen test) before visiting us to ensure you have recovered.

Visitors are not permitted to visit a patient with confirmed or suspected COVID-19, unless prior approval has been sought from the Department Manager. Visits will only be approved in exceptional circumstances. It is preferred that visitors wait for the patient to be de-isolated before visiting.

We will continue to monitor the risk of acute respiratory infections, including COVID-19, and make necessary adjustments as the risk of transmission decreases or increases in the community.

For further information from NSW Health please click here