Consumer Safety and Quality Performance Report March 2019


From January 2019, all health facilities are being assessed against new Standards. The new Standards address gaps identified in the first edition, including mental health and cognitive impairment, health literacy, end-of-life care, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. There are now 8 streamlined standards instead of 10.

They are: Standard 1: Clinical Governance, Standard 2: Partnering with Consumers, Standard 3: Preventing and Controlling Healthcare-Associated Infection, Standard 4: Medication Safety, Standard 5: Comprehensive Care, Standard 6: Communicating for Safety, Standard 7: Blood Management, Standard 8: Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration. Wolper will be assessed against the new Standards in November.


Feedback about our service is more important than ever as we continue to engage with patients, families, carers and the wider community to help with quality improvements. Recent consumer reviews of our website, Annual Report and new hospital wide signage (currently being installed) have been taken to our Quality and Risk Committee which reports to the Wolper Board. Consumer feedback is also reviewed by the Community Partnership Committee and quality improvements are implemented in a timely way.

Recent improvements due to consumer feedback from inpatients, Day Rehabilitation participants and MoveWell participants include refurbishment of Level 1, a maintenance review and upgrade of hydrotherapy lockers, the re-application of ‘Slip Stop’ to the pool area, a new user friendly administration/payment system and the upcoming introduction of an evening Movestrong class.

Feedback from our Consumer Focus Groups over the past 2 years has resulted in major landscaping works and a security upgrade to improve safety and the outdoor ambiance of the hospital. Our kosher coffee kiosk provides a welcome meeting place for everyone and is the direct result of Consumer Feedback from Patient Focus Groups. Thank you!

Another exciting improvement was the introduction of a weekly Rehabilitation Education Session. The session includes how the physiotherapy program works, what to expect after surgery, the role of pain relief, the role of the Occupational Therapist, planning for safe discharge, joint protection, assistive aids/equipment and/or modified techniques and managing your pain. All patients and visitors are welcome to attend.

Feedback from inpatients has also resulted in the introduction of fortnightly “Pharmacy Education Sessions”.


Everyone is involved in the Safety and Quality Program at Wolper. Staff complete mandatory online education, attend education sessions and complete specialised competency assessments annually. Each month different departments complete environment audits including risk environment inspections, cleaning audits, emergency bell checks, equipment checks and kitchen environment audits to pick up issues needing attention. The Wolper Board is informed via the Quarterly Safety & Quality Report and their feedback is given back to staff by the CEO and Director of Clinical Services at the appropriate Committee and Department meetings.

Updates to Wolper's popular MoveWell exercise programthe Wolper Jewish Hospital Health Foundation