Garvan Institute’s OneScreen Study

For 25 years, year 11 high school students at Jewish Day Schools, and now at Reddam House have been given the opportunity to participate in genetic screening organised by the Community Screening Program.

The screening covers faults in 9 genes that cause genetic conditions including Tay Sachs disease, and is particularly relevant for people with Ashkenazi ancestry.

This year, the Garvan Institute of Medical Research’s Kinghorn Centre for Clinical Genomics is running a research study called OneScreen that is looking at the future of genetics in the community.

The study is being co-lead by one of the founders of the original Community Screening program, Professor Leslie Burnett, and is operating alongside the existing Community Genetics Program. It also has the full support of Wolper Jewish Hospital, the Advisory Committee of the existing NSW Community Genetics Program, and participating School Principals.

Researchers in the OneScreen study will use the information gathered to model potential health and public benefits of including extra genetic conditions in future screening programs.

Participation in these programs is voluntary and samples are taken via saliva or cheek swabs.

Year 11 students will be given comprehensive information on the Community Genetics Program and the OneScreen Research Study during Term 4.

Further information, please see the Community Genetics page and OneScreen