Managing the flu season

Last year’s flu season proved to be challenging for Australia as the season lasted much longer than expected with virulent strains of the virus causing a record number of infections in the community. The NSW Health Department reported more than 130,000 flu cases were recorded in NSW during the 2017 flu season, a record!

The influenza virus is mainly spread from person to person via coughs or sneezes (droplet spread). People may also become infected by touching an object or a surface that has the influenza virus on it and then touching their mouth, eyes or nose.

As always, a number of measures have been implemented to ensure the Hospital is a safe environment for patients, visitors and staff. Staff education sessions have been held outlining infection control measures that must be adhered to, alcohol hand-rub is available in all patient rooms and throughout the corridors for all patients and visitors to use and posters regarding hand hygiene and cough etiquette are also visible throughout the Hospital.

When patients with influenza are admitted to the Hospital, a number of precautions are put in place. Precautions also apply to visitors to the Hospital that are displaying flu-like symptoms.

  • All visitors entering a room in which a patient with influenza is located will be instructed to wash their hands on entering and on departure.
  • Visitors having close contact with an infected patient will be offered personal protective equipment (PPE) to wear. This may include a mask, apron and gloves.
  • All non-essential visitors will be discouraged from coming to the Hospital until symptoms have resolved.
  • Non-essential visitors displaying symptoms of acute respiratory symptoms may be asked not to enter the Hospital.

Wolper Jewish Hospital appreciates all patient and visitor cooperation as we endeavour to provide the best possible care for all during the up-coming flu season.

Managing the flu season

The flu vaccine was offered to all Wolper staff as a prevention measure. Here are just some of our staff members waiting for their jab.

Left – right: Emily Pezzotti, Andrew Driehuis, Pariychat Richards and Margaret Kagan

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