Wolper Jewish Hospital Genetics Program Zoom Information Night

As a leader in our community we are seeking your assistance to help inform young couples and others in the community of the Wolper Jewish Hospital Community Genetics Program (offered in conjunction with NSW Health) and how it may benefit them and potentially prevent a tragedy.

There have been some significant changes to the Program which we are now re-launching:

  • The Program has expanded beyond Preconception Screening (schools and adult) and now includes the BRCA JeneScreen program
  • Genetic screening is now more accessible. The sample collection for both the adult Preconception Genetic Screening program and the BRCA JeneScreen Genetic Screening program is available through self-collection kits allowing this to take place quickly and discreetly at home via saliva or cheek swab
  • We are emphasising that even if a person has no family genetic or cancer history or they do not know their family history, genetic screening remains vital as they could still carry a gene fault that has serious risks for their health and/or the health of their children

Specifically for Community leaders, we are hosting an informative Zoom session on Thursday 27th October at 7.30pm. This will be hosted by Dr Lesley Andrews, Head of Department at the Hereditary Cancer Clinic at Prince of Waled Hospital and Wolper board member, along with Nicole Cousens PhD, genetic counsellor. They will explain the Community Genetics Program in detail and provide you with the opportunity to ask questions relevant to the people to whom you will be communicating the program.

We strongly encourage you to attend for the benefit of the community.

Please register here


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